Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Til the World Ends"

Tonight I watched "Til the World Ends" by Britney Spears at least half a dozen times. It's a good song. It's catchy, vapid, tries a little harder than it needs to in some parts. The sound gets muffled near the end, like you're hearing it pulsing from a club as you walk by. I got nothing but love for Britney. If it weren't for her I would never get to experience listening to "Toxic" while waiting for the WALK sign. Also I love terrible things.

Here's the video.

There are some moments that feel a little... Off. I know she's always been dead-eyed and expressionless, and that her face can only convey things like "yay for me!" or maybe "I dropped my ice cream" But seriously. Look at these screenshots.

Girl lookin' tired. "These lights are really bright you guys."

I wonder if anyone would notice if I took a little nap at this part.

What's going on here? She looks like she sleepwalked through the first half of the video and she woke up just now. "Wha-wha-what's going on?"

This screenshot comes from 1:40. It doesn't even look like her.

That's not even her! That's Jennifer Coolidge I think. Sweet! She's hilarious. I love in Legally Blonde where she's all like "I'm taking the dog!"

At this point she remembers. "I'm filming a video. WEEEEEE!!!"

The best screenshot I grabbed is right here. It's during the moment in her videos where she tilts her head to the side. It's the really important part.



  1. http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2011/04/britney_spears_dance_off.html

  2. I just did a search to find that old SNL sketch where Britney ends up in a sewer with Tracy Morgan. He serenades her and she longs to stay with him, but he tells her that the world needs her, and that she should stay up above. I guess in 2012 he's no longer so sure...
