Sunday, May 9, 2010

Your mama is a sheep

Like you, I spent Mother's Day with my mom. Also like you, I took her to the Sheep and Wool Festival at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Lake Elmo, MN.

This goat told me a secret. I cannot tell anyone what he told me. It's frightening and it will go with me to my grave. OK, I CANNOT KEEP IT IN ANY LONGER!!! He told me that he's adorable.

I'm bad at keeping secrets!

This guy below wants to know what you're doing this weekend. Are you free? He's free. He's bored. Are you going to a party? He'd love to go. Where is it? If you're not going to a party, want to stay in and watch a movie?

Alpacas are kind of snooty. You say skittish, I say snooty.

Too good to tell me secrets like the goat did. Psh. Whatever. I'm not hurt or anything. It's not like I'm crying right now over this keyboard.

My younger brother, James, posed for a photo.

Don't even think about making a joke about his horns. He's heard 'em all!

These sheep were running away from my latest open mic. I'm kidding! They were being herded by a border collie (who by coincidence was running away from my latest open mic)

I took this little guy home. OOPS, was I not supposed to?

So cute. What shall I name him? I've never named a goat before except for those 7 times. Maybe Waffles Ebert Danny Trejo Callerstrom III, but I haven't given it much thought.

"Let me look at it. Oh, man! I've got a piece of hay on my face. Audrey, I look so dorky! Delete it. You better not put it on Facebook. I'm serious."

Are you tired of looking at sheep and goats yet? I'll take your silence as a "yes." But let me leave you with one last photo. It is of my sister and her boyfriend.

A tough relationship, I know. But they make it work!